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Ides Nicaise

HIVA (Hoger Instituut voor de Arbeid - Higher Institute for Labour Studies, Univ. of Leuven)
Parkstraat 47
B-3000 Leuven
+32 16 32 33 37


Prof. Ides Nicaise has a background in economics and wrote his PhD on ‘Poverty and human capital’, i.e. the relationships between persistent poverty and inequalities in the education system. He works since 1989 as a research manager, head of sector ‘education and labour market policy’ at HIVA (Hoger Instituut voor de Arbeid), a multidisciplinary research institute of the Catholic University of Leuven (Flemish Louvain). He further specialised in social policy, more precisely the relationships between education, labour market policy and social inclusion (in rich as well as developing countries). He also has part-time teaching assignments at the Universities of Leuven (Dept of Education Sciences, Social Sciences and Law) and Antwerp (Univ. of Antwerp Management School). Previous and current subjects include general economics, social profit management, labour economics, economics and sociology of education, and social security economics.
Besides his professional activities, he is chairing the Belgian Resource Centre for the Fight against Poverty, a centre created by law as an interface between the government, the civil society and grassroots organisations defending the interests of the poor. This centre is linked with the Centre for Equal Opportunities and for the Fight against Racism.
He was involved in many projects at national, European and international levels dealing with education, ranging from educational funding to lifelong learning and initial education for socially excluded groups. Some recent projects include a book on educational policies for socially excluded groups in Europe, the OECD’s thematic reviews on adult education and on equity in education, a tailor-made course on the economics of education for DG EAC, and ‘LLL2010’ (about the promotion of equal opportunities in lifelong learning) in the context of the EC’s 6FP.


Selected publications:

-Nicaise I., D’Addio A., Groenez S., You don’t see what you see. Selection bias in the measurement of educational inequality and educational performance, Prague, ECSR Conference ‘Quality and inequality in education’, 1-2 Sept. 2006
-Nicaise I., Verlinden R., Pirard F., Skills upgrading for low-qualified workers in Flanders, in: OECD, Skills upgrading: new policy perspectives , Paris:OECD, 2006, p.223-259.
-NICAISE I., ESPING-ANDERSEN G., PONT B., TUNSTALL P., Equity in education - Sweden, OECD Thematic Review on Equity in Education, Paris: OECD, 2005, 60p.
-NICAISE I., School dropout in Thailand: causes and remedies, Bergen (Norway): International Conference Education, Knowledge and Development, 30 Sept - 1st Oct. 2004
-Nicaise I., Giving fish or teaching to fish ? A cost-benefit analysis of Belgian employment-training projects for minimum income recipients, in : Public Finance and Management, 2002, 2(2), 22p.
-Nicaise I. (ed.), The right to learn. Educational strategies for socially excluded youth in Europe, Bristol, The Policy Press, 2000







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