Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung e.V. (DIE) German Institute for Adult Education

Das Deutsche Institut für Erwachsenenbildung (DIE) gehört zur Leibniz-Gemeinschaft (WGL).
Das DIE vermittelt zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis der
Erwachsenenbildung und stellt Grundlagen für eine praxisorientierte
Forschung bereit. Es entwickelt innovative didaktische Konzepte und
qualitative Standards.<br>
The German Institute for Adult Education (DIE) is a central forum for
the fields of science and practice in the area of continuing education
in Germany.
In its capacity as a service institute for the field of research, the
DIE acts as a go-between for research and the field of practice in the
area of adult education, supplying the foundations for research
orientated towards the field of practice while developing innovative
Service, developmental research, networking and international
activities form the cornerstones of the Institute’s work.
DIE services are aimed at professionals and researchers working in the
field of continuing education.