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European Guidance & Counselling Research Forum (EGCRF)

Dr. Jenny Bimrose
Principal Research Fellow
University of Warwick
Institute for Employment Research
Coventry England; CV4 7AL

The objective was to develop a research and practice network supported by an on-line tool (the European Guidance & Counselling Research Forum website). This network for guidance and counselling, supported by ICT, has been designed to strengthen the evidence base for practice by integrating relevant research with practice in the area of Equal Opportunties.

In each of the partner countries (UK, Denmark, Finland, Greece & Slovenia) expert groups were formed, selected from the target groups for the website. These groups met face-to-face to discuss issues of policy and practice related to equal opportunities.

The various expert groups decided which materials they considered to be particularly relevant to the overarching objective for the project.  Where appropriate, these were translated into the common language of English, and located on this website together with other materials that you can access here.

This process of knowledge sharing and dissemination is part of a continuing process of new knowledge creation. This in an important contribution to the development and transfer of innovation in training and continuing professional development to the wider community of guidance and counselling through the use of ICT.

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