Stewart Ranson (2003)
Public accountability in the age of neo-liberal governance
Journal of Education Policy vol:18 n°5 : p. 459–480
"The practices of accountability and the dispositions they have engendered have changed over time since the mid-1970s. It will be argued that following the demise of the age of professional accountability a regime of neo-liberal corporate accountability has dominated the governance of education. The distinctive dimensions of this regime - of consumer choice, of contract efficiency, quality, and capital ownership - have been introduced at different times since 1979. While it is possible to periodize their inception it is necessary to see them as, over time, extending and intensifying into a coherent regime of regulation. Thus understanding of the present modes can only be understood by clarifying the historical and political conditions which have shaped them. Nevertheless, possibilities of change may lie in the contradictions of accountability within the regime of governance."