Education Governance
Key References
- Bassmann Winfried (2006), Eine Schule wird inspiziert - und dann? Welche Unterstützung kommt nach der Inspektion? , Pädagogische Führung,, vol.17, n°3 : p. 173 - 174 .
- Benadusi Luciano and Consoli Francesco (2004), La Governance della Scuola. Istituzioni e soggetti alla prova dell'autonomia , Bologna, Il Mulino.
- Derouet Jean-Louis and Dutercq Yves (1997), L'établissement scolaire, autonomie locale et service public , Issy-les-Moulineaux, ESF.
- Dutercq Yves (2002), Portrait des directeurs d'établissement scolaire en régulateurs de proximité Miscellaneous publication.
- Gewirtz Sharon (2002), The managerial school: postwelfarism and social justice in education , London, Routledge.
- Gronn Peter (2003), The new work of educational leaders : changing leadership practice in an era of school reform , Thousand Oaks, California, SAGE Publications.
- Huber G Stephan (eds.) (2004), Preparing School Leaders for the 21st Century: An international comparison of development programs in 15 countries , London, Routledge Farmer (ISBN : 9789026519680).
- Lawn Martin and Lingard Bob (2002), Constructing a European Policy Space in Educational Governance: the role of transnational policy actors , European Educational Research Journal, vol.1, n°2 : p. 209–307.
- Lindblad Sverker and Popkewitz S Thomas (2001), Education Governance and Social Integration and Exclusion , European commission / EGSIE, Final Report.
- Lunenburg C Fred and Ornstein C Alan (2004), Educational Administration : Concepts and Practices Wadsworth Publishing (4 edition).
- Maroy Christian (2005), Vers une régulation post-bureaucratique des systèmes d'enseignement en Europe ? , Les cahiers de recherche en éducation et formation, n°49 : p. 1--30.
- Novoa Antonio and Lawn Martin (eds.) (2002), Fabricating Europe: The Formation of an Education Space , London, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- OFSTED (2003), Leadership and management : managing the school workforce Miscellaneous publication.
- Ranson Stewart (2003), Public accountability in the age of neo-liberal governance , Journal of Education Policy, vol.18, n°5 : p. 459–480.
- Ranson Stewart, Farrell Catherine, Peim Nick, and Smith Penny (2005), Does Governance Matter for School Improvement? , School Effectiveness and School Improvement, vol.16, n°3 : p. 305–325.
- Sacré Annick (1997), Une approche du rôle de la direction dans l'efficacité des collèges , Education et Formations, n°49.
Further Reading
- Bassmann Winfried (2006), Eine Schule wird inspiziert - und dann? Welche Unterstützung kommt nach der Inspektion? , Pädagogische Führung,, vol.17, n°3 : p. 173 - 174 .
- Benadusi Luciano and Consoli Francesco (2004), La Governance della Scuola. Istituzioni e soggetti alla prova dell'autonomia , Bologna, Il Mulino.
- Derouet Jean-Louis and Dutercq Yves (1997), L'établissement scolaire, autonomie locale et service public , Issy-les-Moulineaux, ESF.
- Dutercq Yves (2002), Portrait des directeurs d'établissement scolaire en régulateurs de proximité Miscellaneous publication.
- Gewirtz Sharon (2002), The managerial school: postwelfarism and social justice in education , London, Routledge.
- Gronn Peter (2003), The new work of educational leaders : changing leadership practice in an era of school reform , Thousand Oaks, California, SAGE Publications.
- Huber G Stephan (eds.) (2004), Preparing School Leaders for the 21st Century: An international comparison of development programs in 15 countries , London, Routledge Farmer (ISBN : 9789026519680).
- Lawn Martin and Lingard Bob (2002), Constructing a European Policy Space in Educational Governance: the role of transnational policy actors , European Educational Research Journal, vol.1, n°2 : p. 209–307.
- Lindblad Sverker and Popkewitz S Thomas (2001), Education Governance and Social Integration and Exclusion , European commission / EGSIE, Final Report.
- Lunenburg C Fred and Ornstein C Alan (2004), Educational Administration : Concepts and Practices Wadsworth Publishing (4 edition).
- Maroy Christian (2005), Vers une régulation post-bureaucratique des systèmes d'enseignement en Europe ? , Les cahiers de recherche en éducation et formation, n°49 : p. 1--30.
- Novoa Antonio and Lawn Martin (eds.) (2002), Fabricating Europe: The Formation of an Education Space , London, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- OFSTED (2003), Leadership and management : managing the school workforce Miscellaneous publication.
- Ranson Stewart (2003), Public accountability in the age of neo-liberal governance , Journal of Education Policy, vol.18, n°5 : p. 459–480.
- Ranson Stewart, Farrell Catherine, Peim Nick, and Smith Penny (2005), Does Governance Matter for School Improvement? , School Effectiveness and School Improvement, vol.16, n°3 : p. 305–325.
- Sacré Annick (1997), Une approche du rôle de la direction dans l'efficacité des collèges , Education et Formations, n°49.