Geoffrey D Borman, Samuel C Stringfield, and Robert E Slavin (eds.) (2001)
Title I: Compensatory Education at the Crossroads. Sociocultural, Political and Historical Studies in Education.
Mahwah : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
This collection of papers presents the most recent research on Title I federal compensatory education. Building on 35 years of research, development, and practical experience, the book presents evidence of various ways Title I can become a more effective program and instrument for school reform.
(1) Title I: Its Legislative History and Its Promise (John F. Jennings);
(2) Title I and Student Achievement: A Quantitative Synthesis (Geoffrey D. Borman and Jerome V. D'Agostino);
(3) History and Promise of Assessment and Accountability in Title I (Edward L. McDill and Gary Natriello);
(4) Coordinating Categorical and Regular Programs: Effects on Title I Students' Educational Opportunities and Outcomes (Geoffrey D. Borman, Kenneth K. Wong, Larry V. Hedges, and Jerome V. D'Agostino);
(5) Title I Parent-Involvement Programs: Effects on Parenting Practices and Student Achievement (Jerome V. D'Agostino, Larry V. Hedges, Kenneth K. Wong, and Geoffrey D. Borman);
(6) Effective Instructional Practices for Students Placed at Risk of Academic Failure (Hersholt C. Waxman, Yolanda N. Padron, and Karen M. Arnold);
(7) Cultural and Linguistic Diversity and Title I: What Do We Know? Where Do We Go? (Barry Rutherford);
(8) Title I Schoolwide Programs as an Alternative to Categorical Practices: An Organizational Analysis of Surveys from the Prospects Study (Kenneth K. Wong and Stephen J. Meyer);
(9) How Title I Can Become the Engine of Reform in America's Schools (Robert E. Slavin).