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Eve Eisenschmidt

Tallinn University Haapsalu College
Lihula road 12
90 507 Haapsalu
(+372) 47 20245
"Eve Eisenschmidt is head of teacher training board in Tallinn University and director of Haapsalu College.

She lead the expert group who prepared the implementation of induction year for beginning teachers in Estonia and wrote doctoral theses Implementation of Induction Year for Novice Teachers in Estonia .
She also is a head of professional council of education in Estonia and member of European Network of Teacher Education Policy (ENTEP) and member of the Newly Qualified Teachers in Northern Europe- Research and Development Network (NQTNE).
Her current research combines her interests in professional development of beginning teachers during the first year of teaching and facilitating reflective practice, professional growth and collaborative learning through e-portfolio in teacher education."

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